Channel: Prince De Guzman Transformations
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: prince de guzman valakcall of duty mobilehalloween makeupzombie transformationcall of duty mobile season 6prince de guzman call of dutyundead siegezombie makeupcod mobilecall of dutyprince de guzman pennywisezombie makeup transformationcall of duty mobile zombiesprince de guzman transformationprince de guzman call of duty transformationzombieprince de guzmanmakeup tutorialcod zombies
Description: Makeup Tutorial for the badass zombie from Call of Duty Mobile, The Mob Guard Zombie from S6. Products used: * Self-made prosthetics * Kryolan Pros-Aide Adhesive: The Original - * Skin Illustrator Zombie Palette - * Kryolan Death Wheel - * Snazaroo Clown White - * Snazaroo Black Water Color Face Paint *Ben Nye Tooth Alcohol FX Palette - Hey, everyone! Recently I've been playing a lot of video games and I started streaming too! You can check out my gaming page in the link down below HAPPY 1,000,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! 🎈 Prince De Guzman Official Merch: 🎈 Main FB page: 🎈 Prince De Guzman Gaming Page: Prince De Guzman Transfomations Social Media accounts: 🎈 Instagram: Instagram: 🎈 Tiktok: @imprincedeguzman 🎈 Twitter: @PrinceDeGzmn I made a fan group/community in Facebook! Hope you can join so we can interact more! Link here: 🎈 My name is Prince De Guzman, a geek who has an undying love for horror and anything grotesque. This channel is my own happy place to show my talent in special effects and express my love for ghouls and monsters! SubtÃtulos en español disponibles #PrinceDeGuzmanTransformations #CallOfDutyMobile #ZombieMobGuard #CallOfDutyZombie #MakeupTransformation #ZombieMakeupTransformation